Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Reflection: Google Groups

For our fifth assignment, our class divided into groups in order to create a story on Google Groups.

Google Groups resembles both a word processing document and a discussion board.  When logged in, anyone in the group can contribute to the project instantly and in real time...NO WAITING! Whatever the person types, everyone in the group sees the words as they are being typed, also.  This allows members to work together no matter where they are.

Our assignment was to create a story using Google Groups, topic of our choice, one paragraph at a time. We chose to make our story about a family party,and it was very neat watching our ideas unfold in front of each others eyes. I included a screen shot of our story below:

I feel that Google Groups would be a great resource for any teacher. It could be used to allow students to build writing skills while working in groups.

This activity relates to NETS-T standard #2, objective A.

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