Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Reflection: Google Sites

This week our assignment in class was to use Google Sites to create a classroom website.

Being the type of person who is "afraid" to explore technology, I had absolutely no idea that Google Sites even existed. I was shocked to learn how easy it was to create a website...I finished mine in less than an hour! I named my website "Mrs. Faye's Classroom Corner" and had a blast decorating it with school themed clip-art.

Here is a screenshot of my homepage:
 I found this technology so simple and so fun! Using Google Sites, or any website creator for that matter, is a GREAT way to stay connected with students, parents, and even other co-workers. I would use my site as a way to display important events in my classroom so that there is never any question as to what is going on. I will be creating a classroom website!

This assignment is an example of NETS-T standard 3, objectives B and C.

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