Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Reflection: Assistive Technology Assignment

This week our assignment was to pretend that we had students that needed assistive technology and we were told to adapt to those students' needs. When the assignment was first given, I was very nervous about using assistive technology and thought it was something that I would have to download. Imagine my surprise to see that it was built into Windows and was available all along!

For example, on one section of the assignment we were required to adapt to a child who was a low vision computer user. This meant we needed to change the settings to a high contrast setting.

We also used the magnifier, toggle keys, on-screen keyboard, and several other accessibility options.

I found this assignment very interesting and I feel that this will be the most beneficial lesson in my future as an elementary teacher. I feel this because this lesson has taught me how to accomodate my future students, however the need to be acommodated.

This lesson goes in hand with NETS-T Standard #4, Objective b.

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