Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Turnitin: Reflection

This week in IT 365, our assignment was pertaining to a plagiarism prevention software called Turnitin.  Many schools and colleges have started using this technology to prevent students from submitting unoriginal work, whether it be intentional or not. Our assignment, which goes along with Nets Standard #4, was to use specific articles to answer questions in an essay format. However, we were instructed to copy and paste the information we chose to use into our paper. Upon submitting the report, Turnitin alerted me that 92 percent of my paper was plagiarized, much like the warning below:

However, on the second part of the assignment we were instructed to use the same resources but to write our paper in our own terms and ideas. Upon submitting my paper, I got an alert that said 0% of my paper had been plagiarized. I think that this software is an excellent tool for current and future teachers, alike. When requiring my future students to use resources to write papers, I will most likely use Turnitin in order to prevent plagiarism.

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